Monday, March 18, 2013

Site-specific Water Tree at Woordfees, Stellenbosch

'Boom van Kennis van Good en Kwaad' 
Anni Snyman & PC Janse van Rensburg & vriende

Site_Specific, Anni Snyman: "2013's water installation is symbolic of tears, whilst drawing attention to the vital nature of water as the MATRIX of life. Mankind's reckless treatment of water through processes such as fracking, amongst many others, is threatening the future sustainability of our land and it's natural water resources.

The installation extends the symbolism of 2012's apple installation that drew attention to the abuse of the feminine, to include our culture's destruction of the natural, our land base, mother earth - the life force itself."

Woordfees 2013, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa

"Water vloei. 
Daarmee verteenwoordig dit ‘n ruimtelike voorstelling van tyd. 
Daar is niks wat so belangrik is vir die voortgang van aardse lewe, 
of wat die voortgang van lewe so goed simboliseer as water in beweging nie. 
Vanaf sy insepsie beveg die westerse simboliese orde tyd en 
daarmee saam lewe in die vorm van die vloeibare."
- From the Site_Specific Hiernamaals Exhibition Catalogue

Sien meer van die boom by, asook

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